- Pharmacy Line balances are ideal for formulating a wide range of medications such as ointments and creams. The “Formula” application is already integrated into the balance.
- All PG-S/PH models are equipped with FACT fully automatic adjustment. The square platform makes it easier to weigh large containers.
- Capacity: 6100g.
- Weighing ranges: 1200.00g/6100.0g.
- Corresponding readability: 0.01g/0.1g,
- repeatability: 0.01g/0.03g,
- linearity: +- 0.02g/0.05g.
- Has full capacity tare.
- Features 13 selectable weighing units: g, kg, lb, oz, ct, etc. 2 of the weighing units may be selected for prompt switching between them.
- Equipped with RS232 Data Interface.