- Many such questions arise in education – whether in Biology or Chemistry, in Geography or in Food Science. With the METTLER TOLEDO Education Line you can find the answers and perhaps even develop a passion for science.
- Everything at a glance
- Besides the simultaneous display of measurement value and temperature, the big, well organized display provides other helpful information. Icons immediately inform you about the condition of the electrode and whether a measurement is in progress or whether the reading is already stable.
- pH made easy
- The clearly labeled keypad makes operating the meter child’s play. “Read” starts a measurement “Cal” a calibration; you can switch directly to mV/ORP measurements simply by pressing the “Mode” button; graphical plots of readings can be transmitted to a printer via the analog output.
- pH Range: 0 to 14
- ph Resolution: 0.01
- ph Relative Accuracy: ± 0.01
- mV Range: -1999 to 1999
- mV Resolution: 1
- mV Relative Accuracy: ± 1
- Temp Range: 0 to 100C
- Temp Resolution: 0.1C
- Temp Accuracy: ± 0.5