The life sciences industry is growing by leaps and bounds. 2021 saw some fantastic strides forward, and 2022 promises to be even more exciting for our life sciences professionals, researchers, and companies. As an industry leader committed to staying on top of the latest technologies and shifts throughout the life sciences landscape, here are 7 life services trends we see evolving in 2022.
1. Rapid Advancements in Drug Research
With the increased integration of lab equipment, scanning technologies, and other monitoring tools, doctors will be able to better understand disease processes, and how they affect individual patients. By collecting more of this pertinent fact-based data, the doctor can improve a patient’s treatments, prescribing medication and interventions based on objective data rather than relying heavily on subjective information.
2. An Increased Demand for Transparency in the Environmental Sector
The public’s increasing awareness of climate change has made them thirsty for information and innovation in the environmental sciences. This sector will need to “step up its game” to address global threats such as oceanic garbage dumping, increasing CO2 levels, and a lack of alternative power sources for fossil fuels.
3. Increased Data Integration and Management
Cloud management is reaching deep into the life sciences, providing new and innovative ways to track and share data. This will make it easier for scientists and researchers to organize and collect data, as well as interpret findings and share within their teams both internally and externally.
4. Increased Industry Collaboration
Hand in hand with the increase in data management, increased collaboration will continue to boost the life sciences throughout 2022. Companies will begin to work together in exciting ways to push the boundaries of research and development.
5. Decreasing Product Prices Will Benefit the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Industries
Laws are being consistently put in place to help drive down product prices within the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. This allows research and development firms to focus on product rather than pricing, and results rather than bottom line. Ultimately, the winners will be the stakeholders, who will be more in-tune with evidence-based facts over pricing and profit concerns, and the consumer, who will be able to access more drugs and life-changing interventions at affordable prices.
6. Advancements in Genetic Research Will Change the Way Patients are Treated
Throughout 2022, it’s expected that more discoveries and advancements will be made in genetic research. As this research and development continues to advance, so will the way patients are diagnosed and treated. Many disease processes have been proven to be genetically inherited and, as more are uncovered, these discoveries will mean a new world of personalized medicine, risk mitigation, and treatment modalities.
7. Decentralized Drug Trials Will Make Research Easier
Throughout 2020 and 2021, a shift in drug trials began to occur with more drug research occurring in pharmacies, labs, and even the private homes of the target patients. Hybrid testing sites incorporate tools, technologies, and monitoring to bring the research closer to the patients. Research facilities will need to rise to meet this demand, making data collection, patient education, and monitoring services available off-site.