Cole-Parmer PCRmax Alpha Cycler Quad 384-Well Thermal Cycler AC4384


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    Cole-Parmer PCRmax AC4384: High-capacity thermal cycler, offering efficient and accurate amplification for complex genetic analyses.

    SKU: 061006 Category:



    • Max Temperature (° C)100
    • Min Temperature (° C)10
    • Temperature Accuracy: 50⁰C: ±0.25⁰C
    • Max Gradient (° C): 29
    • Min Gradient (° C): 1
    • Max Heating Rate: 3.4⁰C per second
    • Heated Lid Temperature: 35 to 115⁰C, or off
    • Heated Lid Pressure: Adjustable
    • Number of Blocks: 4
    • Block Uniformity: Block at 55⁰C: ±0.3⁰C
    • Memory: 1000 programs max
    • Auto Restart On Power Failure: Yes
    • Power (VAC): 100 to 240Power (Hz)50/60